Mas existem músicas e canções que, não importa o humor que se tenha, têm a magia de fazer elevar sempre o nosso Ser. Esses sons da alma energizam, inspiram e motivam.
Deva Premal
Deva Premal é uma daquelas cantoras cuja voz exprime a extraordinária força e energia da natureza. A sua voz harmoniza, vibra, acalma e cura.
Dhyaanguru é um investigador nas áreas de desenvolvimento pessoal e espiritual.
Lucinda Drayton
Lucinda Drayton é compositora, cantora e conferencista na área da espiritualidade.
Say goodbye to all you see
To all you see with these eyes
Say goodbye to all you have been
To all your needs and desires
Fly above the silent ocean
And to the purest star
Feel your heart begin to break
Become the light you are
Fear is men enclosed in flesh
And wrapped up in a lie
Love is all that conquers death
It never fears to die
Freedom dances over the threads that try to tie her down
Faith is humble like the one who walks a step behind
Say goodbye to all you see
To all you’ve been and desired
Take your place and dance the dance
And leave this world behind
Fly up high
The proudest eagle
The true king of the skies
Feel the chains begin to break
Become the light you are
You are …
You are …
You are …
Become the light you are …